Cos'è Agronix
Agronix is a on-line support tool to draw crop-specific fertilization plans taking into account crop needs and also pedo-climatic influences of the farm.
Not only is this! Over time it will become a system of integrated services that will help the farm to comply with certain formalities imposed by the legislation concerning the various activities related to production. Also it can be used at international level thanks to its multilingual and its ability to adapt to local circumstances.
The desired productivity, the proper nutrition of the crop, the restoration of soil fertility, the reduction of production costs were the achievements obtained from the homonymous stand-alone software used in nearly two decades by hundreds of technicians across Italy. AGRONIX today sets out to meet other needs such as obtaining a quality products, traceable to challenge the globalization of markets while respecting the environment.
What offers
Agronix offers free plans fertilisation for the main crops of agricultural interest. Other services already implemented or to be implemented by agreement with the producer or with the technician, including some forms of customization of printed pages, will be added.
The core
Building on twenty years of experience of hundreds of technicians and companies throughout Italy that had worked with the homonymous software, AGRONIX, unlike the previous version, refines its calculations by using functions that model more closely the rhythms of absorption of nutrients and takes into account, in a greater measure, the multiple factors that influences production.
Also the knowledge of the growing, of the productive and of the quality trends of previous years, provides a further enrichment of the knowledge base of the system, allowing you to identify any anomalies that do not necessarily depend on nutritional imbalances but on incorrect agronomic practices or diseases arising or from unpredictable and/or local factors.
Knowledge produces new knowledge able to relate more specific factors and likely to generate a system of recommendations appropriate to the particular production.
The result is a fertilization plan ad hoc in terms of quality and productivity as well as of the optimization of resources.
Besides this, AGRONIX identifies, if the user requests it, what are the limits of administration of certain fertilizers as required by the rules currently in force (EC directives, national laws, regional decrees of action programs (eg Nitrates Directive or disciplinary of production). In this way you will know what are the real needs of the crop production in terms of nutrient uptake and at the same time what are the productive constraints imposed by current regulations.
Who uses Agronix
Agronix is aimed at all those involved in programming production and that are able to collect data on productivity and quality results obtained as an output of such programming (farmers, technician, agronomists, etc…). The results in productivity and quality as well as the indication of inputs of fertilizers give information more interesting for the generation of new knowledge that the system will can take into account in subsequent programming. Everyone can contribute to the creation of new knowledge: the more data are reliable much more these data contribute to the identification of specific circumstances related to the territory and the local microclimate.
How to use
For free access to Agronix you need to register. An email confirmation will be sent to the user that can immediately access for using the service after the confirm of the registration .
It is recommended reading the guide for a better approach to the application. You should first consult the guide.
Designers of Agronix
AGRONIX is a product of ADM srl who has extensive experience in the field of fertilization and irrigation. There are numerous collaborations with Research Institutes and universities that contribute to the already considerable scientific know-acquired over the years by ADM. It uses many internal and external collaborators.
For more information visit the web site www.adm.it.
For AGRONIX development people involved are:
- Project coordinator: Antonio Megna (agronomist)
- Team developers coordinator: Vincenza Spada (software engineering)
- Developer: Vincenzo Manzini (software engineering)
If you experience problems navigating the site or during processing, please send an email to info@agronix.com